Local SEO Competitors Research, Insights & Benchmarking Tool

How to Use: Add your business category followed by your city name (e.g. orthodontist chicago) in the first field. Add your City and state or privance name in the second field separating city and state with a comma (e.g. Chicago, IL).

Gain Insights About Your Local Market Competitiveness

Nexunom's Comp Insider lets you quickly find out who your competitors are and how you stand against them

Competitors Radar

See how many competitors you have and who your top competitors are in your area and for your category

Local Reviews Checker

Find out what's the avg. number of reviews in your market and how many reviews your competitors have

Reviews Rating Checker

See what's the avg. rating in your area for your category, check the avg. rating of your top competitors

Top Categories

Find out what are the most frequent categories used by your competitors in your area for your business type.

Competitive Density

See in which Zip/Postal Codes your competitors are located which areas have higher competitive density.

Top Business Words

Check the top words used in the business names of your compeitotrs, are they keyword-stuffing or using brand names.

Local SEO KPIs

Compare your local business against top competitors using most important local SEO KPIs and reputation metrics

All Locales/Categories

Our Local SEO competitive benchmarking tool supports all geographical locations and all the business categories

Frequently Asked Questions

Local benchmarking is the process of comparing a business against the top competitive local metrics, KPIs and benchmarks. Comp Insider strives to make the local benchmarking easier by letting you do the benchmarking automatically. We report on top reputation, SEO and local key performance indicators (KPIs).
We report on the most important local SEO key performance indicators (Local SEO KPIs) including reviews, ratings, links, traffic index, business categories, N.A.P and etc.
Competitive density shows how populated the area is with the local businesses that serve the same services belong to the same business category. In other words, it shows how many companies are competing in the immediate neighborhood surrounding a business Comp Insider reports on competitive density for each business category in each area.
Category dispersity shows if businesses with different categories are competing in the area. A high category dispersity shows that different business types have overlapping services. A high category dispersity can make the local competition more difficult.
With the Comp Insider, you can see a list of local businesses competing in the area you specify for your search. You can find many local businesses in any category you want for any location you want.
Yes, you can export all business data for any of your searches into a CSV file.
Comp Insider is among the 8 SEO tools that we provide under Nexunom Lab. Comp Insider is among the paid ones. When you create a free account you will have 10 tokens to try out our different SEO tools, after that you would need to use our pay-as-you-go structure within which you would need to buy credtis to continue using our different SEO tools.
A local SEO key performance indicators or Local SEO KPI is a metric that can be measured to see how your business is doing in local or maps search results. Among important local KPIs are reviews, ratings, backlinks, traffic index, categories, N.A.P (Name, Address, Phone Number) optimization, etc.
Top business words show to what degree the competitors are using top keywords as part of their business name. As the relevance of the business name can help with the ranking of your business on local/maps results, it helps to know how your competitors are using this as a way to increase their rankings on the local results.
Top categories shows what business categories are being used by your competitors in your area. Categories are one of the main local KPIs and because you have the option to select multiple categories for your business listing on Google, you might be wondering what other relevant categories you can use to improve your relevancy score on local and maps results.

Check Local SEO Competition With Our SEO Benchmark Tool

Comp Insider is a competitors SEO benchmarking tool as well as an SEO competition analyzer. With the Nexunom's Comp Insider, you will be able to run SEO benchmarking reports and analyze local SEO competition in real-time. Comp Insider helps you check SEO competition for any business in any area. It helps you see your competitors' local SEO KPIs such as reviews and rating results, backlinks, traffic index, local category, and N.A.P citations for all the local competitors in your local area. You can also download the results to a CSV file and share them with your team or client.

Benchmarking Tool

Find out the benchmark for different local SEO KPIs in your area for your business category and compare your business against them.

Local Business Finder

Find local businesses with their phone, address, and website information for any business category in any area.

Competitive Analysis

See how your business stands against the top competitors for the main local SEO KPIs in your area, for your business category.